Content written by us (not AI!)—just for you!

Hershey Bars and Home Loan Rates
I was in the checkout line at Safeway in Oro Valley contemplating the rising cost of living (Hershey…

American dream of home ownership alive & well!
“Real estate is still the best long term investment- and the American dream of homeownership is still alive…

Can a real estate agent tell me about …
"Is this a good neighborhood?" "Is there any crime in this neighborhood?""I'm retired, and I don't like noise.…

Fix your dirty grout- in a snap!
Finished product- clean tile and grout!Floor tile with dirty grout-ugh. Here is Arizona so many homes have tile-…

House Swap Limbo
"I don't want to list my house until I find the perfect house for me to move in…

Visiting snowbirds fuel demand for attractive seasonal rentals
The snowbirds continue to flock to Sunny Tucson, AZ! Winter visitors looking for a second home(Previously published)Mild Tucson…

QUESTION: I am moving to or from the …
Absolutely- but we limit it to the US and Canada at this time. We will ask you some…

Desert Dweller Tips For Selling With High ROI
So you have decided that the time is right to sell your home in the Oro Valley, Marana…

What are some helpful staging tips if I …
Does staging a house help garner a quicker, better offer? You better believe it!There are SO many things…

Top 5 things you should be doing NOW …
Waiting until fall or winter to sell your Tucson area property? Here are the top 5 things you…