

Next, we can assist in locating a trusted and proven loan officer to provide you with information to determine your options, if you have not already selected one. This will greatly help in finding a realistic and workable price point to shoot for that will be a comfortable one for you. It is required that a Arizona pre-qualification form be sent in with any offers, even if your lender is out of state. (We can easily email them the required form.) 

We can’t stress enough the importance of engaging a great lender who will be organized, dependable and provide excellent communication with all involved parties. A lender who is not reliable, knowledgeable or lackadaisical can put you and the transaction in a potentially nightmarish situation, financially or legally, not to mention causing a boatload of stress. While the choice is always yours, if we have had a poor experience with the lender you have selected we would be remiss if we did not relay this to you so you could further investigate your options. Remember, we are your advocate at every stage of the transaction.

 By the way- any of our recommendations (lenders, title, inspectors, plumbers, painters etc. ) NEVER compensate us in any way for the referral- this would be ILLEGAL. You can be assured that anyone we refer to you is solely because of the proven experiences either our clients, or ourselves personally, have had with them.

Getting Started
Searching For A Home
Property Viewings
Determining The One
The Offer
Earnest Money
Inspection Period
Closing Escrow